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What Works Best for Anxiety: CBD or THC?


More and more people around the world are turning to cannabis-derived products in search of relief from afflictions like anxiety, sleeplessness, and chronic pain. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to determine which is best for you. We’re here to help by shedding some light on two of the most popular compounds: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

What Is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

CBD is one of approximately 113 active compounds found in Cannabis plants, also known as cannabinoids. Unlike THC, it does not cause any psychoactive changes in your brain activity. That means that while taking CBD won’t make you feel “high,” it is often used to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. It works by interacting with receptors located throughout our body, part of the endocannabinoid system.

What Is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)?

THC is another cannabinoid found in Cannabis plants. But unlike CBD, when consumed, it produces a mild “high” feeling. The specific effects vary based on dosage and the user’s body chemistry. People report feeling an increased sense of relaxation and improved moods after taking THC—but there are other medical benefits associated with this compound as well; many take it to help alleviate symptoms of pain and depression.

How Do They Compare In Relieving Anxiety Symptoms?

In short, CBD has been proven to be more effective than THC at reducing certain types of anxiety, while THC has been shown to have benefits in treating other forms of anxiety. It is important to note that both compounds can have a calming effect on the user.

CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays an important role in regulating mood, inflammation, and pain perception. Clinical studies have found that CBD is effective at decreasing stress levels and promoting relaxation. This makes it a great choice for those struggling with occasional or chronic anxiety.

On the other hand, THC works differently than CBD because it binds more directly to receptors in the brain associated with pleasure, hunger, and pain relief. That being said, when taken in small doses it can reduce feelings of fear and paranoia and increase feelings of calmness and well-being.

Dosage Considerations When Taking Cannabinoids For Anxiety Relief

The recommended dosage varies between individuals depending on age, weight, metabolism rate, gender, etc., so consulting a doctor or specialist before undertaking any cannabis-based regimen meant for treating anxiety disorders is highly recommended. In general, though, users find that smaller doses tend to work better while higher amounts could lead to uncomfortable experiences such as dizziness or paranoia due to higher concentrations of cannabinoids than what their bodies can tolerate.

Side Effects Of Taking Cannabinoids For Anxiety Relief

When taken appropriately under professional supervision, both substances appear to have relatively few side effects when used for treating anxiety symptoms – if anything, some users may experience mild dizziness, but this usually wears off within an hour or two without inflicting permanent damage. Nonetheless, please remember not to exceed recommended dosages because doing so could potentially lead to adverse reactions like decreased coordination, fatigue, impaired judgment, etc.

Additional Medical Benefits Of Both Cannabinoids For Treating Anxiety Disorders

In addition to reducing symptoms associated with nervousness, both these compounds have been known to provide neuroprotective properties: they can help protect healthy cells from damaging free radicals as well as enhance immune responses against certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s – something that makes them especially useful against conditions like PTSD where cognitive impairments are common. Furthermore, regular intake has been linked with reduced inflammation throughout one’s entire body; this makes them ideal candidates for inflammation-related illnesses such as fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis sufferers looking for natural ways of dealing with their symptoms.

Potential Interactions Between Other Medications And Cannabinoids As Anxiety Relief Agents

Before taking any kind of cannabis product meant for treating anxiety disorders, always consult your doctor or pharmacist about potential interactions between medications you may be taking currently and the cannabinoids you wish to use – certain drugs may interact negatively, resulting in undesired outcomes such as irregular heartbeats or increased blood pressure levels; these should be considered carefully before starting any new treatment plan involving either CBD/THC compounds.


Although there are positive & negative aspects associated with utilizing either one alone, full-spectrum hemp extract appears as the optimal solution overall when considering calming down feelings related to nervousness. However, getting personalized medical advice from a licensed practitioner goes a long way towards ensuring safety & effectiveness when using Cannabis derivatives for managing anxiousness levels.